How exactly can town planning consultants help property developers? There are four major ways a town planning consultant can help with your project:

Provide Feedback During The Design Process

Town planners can provide you with the information you need to determine if the property you want to develop complies with both state government and local council regulations. By enlisting their services during the design process, you can avoid wasting money on major redraws of plans. You can save a great deal of time, as well.

Prepare The Development Application

Part of a town planner’s duties is to also write the development application for you. This will help you avoid problems by addressing the local council’s expectations and ensuring that you submit all the necessary documents for your project.

Deal With Council Requests And Objections

So what does a town planner do besides offering feedback and submitting documentation on your behalf? Town planners are also the ones who handle the communication with the council and its planning officers. For example, if the local council requests more information about your project or if they lodge an objection, the town planner will be the one to obtain the required information. Or in the case of an objection, they will prepare the appropriate responses and argue the case in your favour.

Handle Your Case In The Appeals Court

If your development project encounters a problem and unexpectantly end up in the appeals court, your town planner can help you out by serving as your expert witness.

The services of a town planning consultant are invaluable for those who want to undertake a property development project. If you’re in need of the services of a town planner in Coffs Harbour, be sure to trust only Keiley Hunter. With more than 25 years of experience in the land development industry, Keiley is an expert town planning consultant specialising in a wide range of planning and development projects. Contact Keiley today.